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Optimization the number of aircrafts in battle
The air defense of the ships is quite strong now, so regardless of what you do you will lose some planes, and any mistake, you make can cause you to lose a lot of them. As a result, an inept player may well find himself in a situation where they have no planes to take off, or there are very few resulting in incomplete squadrons. Theoretically planes are endless, but in practice their slow recovery and strong air defense can sometimes lead to a serious shortages of planes. However, you can optimize the number of aircraft in the following ways:
1. Learn to reduce losses from air defense. There are just some methods for this:
1.1. First of all, fly around FLAK "clouds". There is an IMPORTANT "two seconds" rule, according to this rule the ship's anti-air reads your position, course, and speed every 2 seconds and on this basis calculates how to place the clouds so that you can get into them if you do not change the course and speed. Some of the clouds it places on the course, some - on the sides. Therefore, if you change the course and speed in the air defense zone every 2 seconds, then the chance of your planes being hit by flak clouds will be significantly reduced. To change the speed just actively use the speed boost for acceleration and deceleration (not everyone knows that speed boost can also sharply slow down a plane).
In general, the "S" button for slowing down an airplane is just as important as the “W” button. The combination of deceleration and acceleration makes it possible to drive the enemy air defense system crazy, and deceleration is completely necessary for a quick turnaround.
1.2. You should study the performance characteristics of the ships' air defense. Sometimes it happens that between attacks it is safer to be in the closest aura of the ship than to fly away from it, because in the near aura there are no "clouds" this can help reduce aircraft losses.
1.3. Plan your escape from an attack on the mini-map in advance so that after dropping torpedoes or bombs you will be in the zone with the smallest concentration of enemy ships.
1.4. Don't rush with attack runs, wait for opportunities and seek out single targets.
1.5. Use the fighter consumable as a distraction for enemy air defenses, in some situations, the attacking aircraft will take less damage
1.6. Properly use the "F" button, which takes the aircraft "home". Under current conditions, planes do not immediately become invulnerable after activating this button, but they fly in a straight line and therefore they are easy target for air defense and "clouds". Therefore, it is often safer to first manually remove the aircraft from enemy airdefense, and then recall your aircraft..
1.7. Watch the life bar of your planes. If everything is low, then it is better to abandon the attack and recall the planes than to lose them, while still not reaching the target.
1.8. Actively use the landscape because flying behind mountains can hide your aircraft from enemy ships and then give them a surprise, and also, which comes in handy more often - a flight over the relief changes the height of the aircraft, which knocks down the calculations of enemy air defenses, i.e. just flying over the intersected landscape, you significantly reduce the likelihood of you falling on air defense because your height changes more than once every 2 seconds.
2. You will save aircrafts by manually controlling the size of squadrons. Usually at the beginning of the battle you will experience an excess of aircraft. Attacking a target with full squadron of 12 aircrafts can cause you to lose a lot of them at the exit of the attack. When you have fewer aircraft, you are forced to fly in smaller squadrons, but will still cause the same amount of damage, however in this case we lose fewer planes just because we have fewer excess planes to lose. It's better initially to fly in small squadrons that can make 1-2 attacks and don't lose a lot of extra aircraft on departure. This will allow you to manage your reserve aircraft throughout the battle allowing you to make more attacking runs
At the moment this method is irreplaceable for many aircraft carriers, that can significantly reduce the shortage of aircrafts. This method can be performed by dropping bombs, torpedoes, or rockets into empty water away from friendly ships.
3. You need to learn how to alternate different types of aircraft effectively, rather than trying to hit the entire battle with one type. At each moment of the battle, in each situation, some types of aircraft will be more effective, and some less. Check the minimap more often and choose the type of aircraft that will be most effective at the moment of the battle.
Midway Perks and Modules
The perfect combination of perks and modules depends on the style of your game. But at the moment you won’t go wrong if you choose to increase the SPEED of the planes and the HANGAR replenishment of the Midway (as well as for Hakuryu).
Aircraft carriers at tier X have good survivability, but at the same time some HP boosts of aircrafts don’t give a noticeable increase in survivability because in the event of your error air defense will destroy the planes regardless.
In short, if you dont make a mistake you would be able to conduct an attack anyway, if you makea mistake HP boost might not save you anyway.
Improvement to speed gives more benefits thanincreases to HP. Increasing aircraft speed allows you not only to get to a target faster resulting in more attacks per game, but also helps to reduce the damage from the air defense (because of the reduction in time spent in the air defense zone). So, speed in capable hands affects the real survivabilityof the aircraft even more than a boost to HP.
You need the modification for a large hangar to reduce the shortage of aircraft and speed up their recovery. Combined with the controlling the size of squadrons method described above, Youwill rarely be without the required number of aircraft for your squadrons.
General tips how to play on Midway better:
1. Optimally use Speed boost button. If you have just taken off and you're far to the target you can press it in order to fly faster. But as you approach the target wait for the recovery of your speed boost because it will be VERY useful during the attack and for evading air defense.
2. The same applies to consumables. They are few and very powerful. Do not waste them unnecessarily.
3. When you attack destroyers with the air defense turned off, a situation may often arise when the destroyer is spotted too late and you just don't have time to aim it. In this case you can do a few things, click on the start of the attackIN ADVANCE on your next attack this means when thedestroyer becomes spotted you will have a aiming reticle that is ready to go. Or when you first spot the destroyed you can use your fighter consumable to keep the destroyer spotted allowing you to attack like normal on your next attack.
4. The "brake" button is no less, and sometimes is more important than the "accelerator" because it helps to quickly reduce speed, allowing you to turn around faster, and also slow down when entering an attack for better aiming. Sometimes it can be impossible to aim without slowing down.
5. The aircraft can turn sharply using the border of the map, this is useful for follow up runs with torpedo bombers
6. The speed of torpedo bombers and dive bombers in speed boost accelerates and reset slowly. So, after reaching the maximum speed, it makes sense to not press the “W” key all the time, but to make short presses, immediately release and then press again when the speed begins to fall. This way you will have enough speed boost for the whole flight up to the goal.
Good luck and fair seas, Commanders!
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