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How to play on battleships against ships of other classes
Battleship vs battleships
As already mentioned earlier, the destruction of the battleship - this is a team quest, which is better to perform with teammates. Otherwise, when attacking a same-tier battleship, you will just exchange your HP points. If the ally fleet are not around, shoot and retreat in their direction.
Most convenient way to destroy a battleship is attacking with ally ships. Engaging from two sides, so that enemy battleship can shoot only one ship. At the same time, one ally ship lowers HP points and other teammate tanking some damage maneuvering.
Battleship vs cruisers
A skillfully maneuvering cruiser, when kiting, can quite easily burn battleship HP to zero, constantly inflicting a small amount of damage with high-explosive shells and setting on fire. Try not to chase after running away cruisers, because you have advantage of the range of fire ! Begin to retreat yourself and shoot at the cruiser from a safe distance. If the cruiser decides not to pursue you - well, fine! Find yourself an easier target and deal damage. If you pursue - let him get closer and turn around. He'll be surprised!
Avoid focus-fire from several enemy cruisers!
Battleship vs destroyers
The first rule of battleship - don't be caught off guard by destroyers. If you moving at a constant speed, straight along the islands, the destroyer will certainly sink you. If it's not this fight, so next. So stay away from islands.
The second rule is always assume that the enemy destroyer sees you and planing his attack. It useful to know characteristics of the different destroyers against which you mostly play. Learn concealment and torpedo range values of your opponents.
Battleship vs Aircraft Carriers
Because of its huge size and poor maneuverability, the battleship is the priority target for the aircraft carrier. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from air attacks, stay close to allied ships with good Anti-Air Defense. Soloing on battleships is not a good idea. Ally ships will cover you from enemy aircraft carriers and destroyers and help you to kill battleships while you skilfully will be tanking damage. If you are left alone against an enemy aircraft carrier, you have very big problems.
First of all, watch out for torpedo bombers, you can really dodge them. During attack of air group on your battleship, full back and start the turn to the side you think the torpedoes will hit. Do not let the enemy CV distract your attention by bombers. Dodging them is problematic, unlike the torpedo bombers.
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