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WOT GUIDES: How to play Tank Destroyer
The first thing, if you are a beginner you don't choose tank destroyers as your first tanks , because you will have a lot of problems. You need to play very competently, without being detected, and inexperienced players in this area know nothing. Secondly, for beginners it will be very unusual to play without a turning turret, and there will be many problems associated with this, and overall discomfort of the game-play. Thirdly, the tactics and strategies on Tank Destroyers are very diverse and accurate.
Tank Destroyers variations:
Each nation has it's own TD line (and some nations have several), they are very different types and variations, both in appearance and in characteristics. But in most cases this is a tank with bad armor and a good gun. For example, soviet TDs up to ISU-152 have very poor armor, but a very powerful guns. These are the kinds of TDs you should try to leveling as late as possible. There are also a Tank Destroyers with good armor and an above average guns. As an example, German TD line going to Jag.Pz.E-100 on tier X. These tank destroyers have a quite good armor and very nice accurate guns, but the top-tier Tank Destroyer (tier X) Jag.Pz.E-100 has excellent armor and VERY powerful gun, which has a damage over 1000 and penetration is almost 300 mm. The last type of TDs - with a turret. These tanks are very different. There are turret Tank Destroyer with good armor (for example T28.Prot. or T110E4), but there are many with a poor armor (for example Hellcat or Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger). But there are not so many tank destroyers with turret in this game, so if you are a new player and only start to exploring tank destroyers, then you shout try US TD branch, which going to tier X T110E4. This tank destroyer is very similar to a heavy tank, so this should be much easier to start mastering tank destroyers for better results and more fun game-play.
How to play Tank Destroyer. Tactics and Strategies:
1. Let's start with Tank Destroyers which have poor armor and a good gun. On such Tank Destroyer it is best to attack the enemy from invisibility, keeping th distance from enemy scouts. And don't forget about additional modules. For example let's take ISU-152, which has 90 mm of frontal armor , but also a well-armored gun mask, which is almost impossible to penetrate. But don't count on this gun-mask. Suppose you are on Malinovka, what will we need? First, we can not be detected or we die, which means that we need to put a camouflage net. But, if you get Concealment skill perk for your crew, then we can replace camouflage net with more useful module. With a concealment perk we can equip Enhanced Gun Laying Drive for more accuracy and for decrease of aiming time of ISU-152. Next thing we need is a Binocular Telescope, so that we can see our enemies from the bushes before they will detect us. And the last module is a Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer. This thing will reduce reload time from 17 to 15 seconds, which is very important for Tank Destroyer.
2. Tank Destroyer with good armor. These Tank Destroyers, as we said before, have an average guns and good armor. On this type of TD, we should not be so much afraid of being detected (as on the ISU-152 for example), a good armor can save us from a lot of hits and penetration, even from very powerful calibers. For example, let's take the German Ferdinand which has good 200mm frontal armor. With such armor we can stand on Himmelsdorf streets and try to exchange shells with less armored opponents. And If you hide your hull, then barely anyone could possibly penetrate your mask. And with the gun that has an average damage of 490 and a penetration of 246mm you will be able to break through enemy deference and start attack of your team.
3. Tank Destroyers with a turret. These tank destroyers are very different. There are with good armor and with thick. Let's start with the well-armored ones. For example, T110E4. Frontal armor varies from 150 to 200mm, as well as a turret with a huge mask of 300 + mm. The same story as with the Ferdinand. The presence of the turret removes some inconvenience in game-play. Poorly armored vehicles in most cases have good mobility and speed (For example M18 Hellcat). You can easily break through enemy flanks, grab cap points, etc. Thanks to good concealment, you can stop in the bushes and shoot for 1-2 minutes, after you change position and again attack.
The easiest way to get tier X tank destroyer in 10 days is HERE
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