Yamamoto Isoroku Campaign

Here you can order completion of
Yamamoto Isoroku Campaign

The main award for this campaign is Unique Commander  Yamamoto Isoroku with special abilities. Also completion of various tasks and 5 missions will boost your Wows account with Supercontainers, Signal Flags, Elite Commander XP, Premium Camo etc.

Due to the fact that some missions designed for a certain ships classes, we have made our calculations based  on the experience that you will get from completion of this campaign.
Fast and efficient campaign completion requires tier 8 premium ship, fully researched and equipped. If you do not have a suitable ships for certain missions, we will use either another tier 8 premium  ship or any other suitable for the missions.


You can order any of five missions, or entire Campaign with 15$ Discount:


Mission 1 $23.00
Mission 2 $40.00
Mission 3 $28.00
Mission 4 $30.00
Mission 5 $32.00
Total Yamamoto Isoroku campaign:$0
or order entire campaign completion
from any stage with discount
Prerequisites and minimum requirements
  • Active premium account
  • 100 doubloons for equipment or commander replacements (if needed)
  • During order execution you don't play on leveling ships
  • Fully researched and equipped Tier VIII Premium ships
Yamamoto Isoroku Campaign
Campaign Awards:

Unique Commander
Premium Camouflages
XP and Credits
Elite Commander XP

Check Also:

Grind on Premium Ships. 50.000 XP + 3.500.000 Credits in 12 hours.
Your personal professional driver in WoWs
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