Here you can order fast completion of the
"Science of Victory" campaign 


The "Science of Victory" is a permanently available campaign designed to level up your fleets while simultaneously learning the game's fundamentals: using various armaments and upgrades, playing ships of different types, leveling up commanders, fighting for control of key areas — all these and many other game aspects are gathered into different tasks with pleasant rewards.

The campaign requires a player to have one ship of at least Tier VI to complete and is comprised of 119 different tasks spread out over 10 missions. There are achievements for both completing the campaign and completing all tasks within the campaign.

Completion of various tasks and 10 missions will bring your WoWs account nice rewards: 7 days of Premium Account Time, 1 Port Slot, a lot of Signal Flags, Camouflages, Modifications, Elite Commander XP, and others. As a bonus you will get lots of XP, Credits raising Account statistics, and Commanders boost.


You can order any of 10 missions or entire Campaign with Discount




Order entire campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $139
(completion from any stage with discount)



Please choose the most profitable option for you and enter price in the form below:


Minimum requirements:

- Activated premium account
- Not less than 3 ships of different classes not less than 6 tier if it is not necessary to complete all tasks
- 100 doubloons for equipment or commander replacements (if needed)


Within this order we will complete minimal set of tasks which will be necessary to complete campaign as soon as possible.
If you are interested in completion of all the tasks - please contact us in online chat or on email (price will depend on your account state).

Check Also:

Farmen Sie auf Premium-Schiffe. 50.000 XP + 3.500.000 Credits in 12 Stunden.
Ihr persönlicher Fahrer im WoWs
Elite Commander XP GRIND


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