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Rogue Wave event Progression!
Order WoWs Veranstaltungen high-skill battles in new mode!
Best of our professional drivers will play ordered amount of battles and will try to finish as much missions and directives as possible.
Rewards that are waiting for you are really cool:
Fuel Tokens, a commemorative flag for U.S. destroyer Hill, a special camouflage for U.S. destroyer V Hill: "The Master of the Water World", and of course personally Tier V U.S. destroyer V Hill!
Fuel Tokens can be exchange for U.S. destroyer Tier IX Benham with a unique post-apocalyptic camouflage, Commander Dr. Ecraseur with 10 skill points, and a commemorative flag—"U.S.S. Benham."
More battles - closer to your sweet rewards!
Kaufen WoWs Veranstaltungen and get them!